We have been recently more and more focussed on personal development. We are seldom told to think positive, be strong, and look up, such extraordinary calls motivating us to move on whether it is about our personal or professional life.
And still, what is bothering us might continue to stay on our minds whether that is a problem or simply something we need to improve. It is at such moment that the personal development counsellor may be of help by supporting the client to logically realize what exactly is going on and become aware of certain behaviours, of the way in which they connect to others and of their own thoughts and feelings. So that, in the end, the client identifies himself what he needs to do so as not to disagree to his own identity, values, and convictions. He thus discovers by himself the options most reasonable from his point of view, and not the counsellor’s or others’ around.
Find out more about the personal development counselling sessions at www.self-id.ro.