“The bad news is time flies, the good news is you are the pilot” – Michael Althsuler

Time management


The time crisis is a recurring issue nowadays. The daily tasks, the urgent deadlines, the need to promptly meet the customer’s demands, the stress via your boss, all of these can lead to a bottleneck impacting on our results.


“I have no time“ can be either a good excuse, or the result of lack of organization. In the end, who controls what? Does time control us or do we control time?


Time Management teaches you how to get better organized, how to set up priorities and assume decisions, hot to make up a plan and turn time into your best friend and last, but not least how to not leave yourself out.


There are many time management sides that are indeed challenges, such as procrastination (postponing), interruptions, “paper work”, emails prioritization.


In the end, Time Management shows you how to develop yourself and use processes and tools for maximum efficiency.